
What causes warts?

Posted by Isabelle Eskew on 7/1/24 9:57 AM

Tired of those pesky warts?

Dr. Maulik Dhandha, dermatologist with Dignity Health Woodland Clinic, is here to share the lowdown on wart treatment and how to prevent them from popping up in the first place.

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Hello Healthy Podcast | Why is lung cancer on the rise among women?

Posted by Dignity Health Medical Group Staff on 11/28/23 2:20 PM

For Dignity Health's Hello Healthy podcast, Eric Peck, MD, cardiothoracic surgeon with Dignity Health Medical Group — Bakersfield discusses recent research that explains a rise of lung cancer in women under 50 years of age and the surgical treatment options available for lung cancer patients. Read the interview transcript below.

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Exposing lung cancer’s silent threat

Posted by Dignity Health Medical Group Staff on 11/27/23 10:44 AM

Lung cancer claims more lives than colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. Historically, lung cancer has been more common in older adults and diagnosed at an advanced stage. Younger women, however, are getting lung cancer at higher rates than men younger than 50, according to a report published in JAMA Oncology.

Costanzo DiPerna, MD a thoracic surgeon with Dignity Health Mercy Medical Group, shares insight and resources to help people understand risks, prevention, treatment options and the dangerous long-term effects of using modern “e-cigarettes.”

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Pediatrician Answers Common Questions About the HPV Vaccine

Posted by Sarah Tyre on 8/31/23 8:52 AM

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common virus that can cause cancer in both men and women. This includes cervical cancer, which more than 12,000 Americans are diagnosed with each year. 

Now, cervical cancer is highly preventable with the HPV vaccine and routine testing. Below, Brian Nguyen, DO, a pediatrician with Dignity Health Woodland Clinic answers common questions parents often have about the HPV vaccine.

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5 common misconceptions about prostate cancer and the truth behind them

Posted by Dignity Health Medical Group Staff on 6/15/23 1:04 PM

Talking about your prostate, urinary symptoms, or sexual dysfunction can be uncomfortable, but it’s essential to men’s health. The prostate is a tiny reproductive organ the size of a walnut located below a man’s urinary bladder. It’s responsible for making semen and tends to grow larger with age.

“An enlarged prostate is often called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a noncancerous condition that may affect sexual function,” says Steven Guarnaccia, MD, a urologist with Dignity Health Medical Group — Sequoia. “Its symptoms include slow urine flow, difficulty urinating, frequent or urgent need to urinate, dribbling after urination, and waking up at night to urinate.”

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